Are we really different ? Not superficially in individual taste or style.. but in more significant ways.. like, looking at options in employment or entrepreneurship.
So, the bold venture into entrepreneurship & others look at safer options ; this was the time honored paradigm, but we are asking is it true or relevant any more?
There is a recent article about how being self employed may be the best way to overcome risks of a volatile work environment at least in the future.
Let's demystify jobs and employment creation. A job is a service or skill or talent which fulfills or helps in fulfilling a requirement or need or deficiency in others. This way, everyone in the system is doing a job ; whether they're a nanny, an artist, a housewife, a rag-picker, a sportsman or scientist.
So, why is only 'being employed' is on a pedestal? Why is it that the human brain after millions of years of evolving, still seeks the comfort of the pay check ?
One reason is of course, that a paycheck is a validation at a basic level that your skills or service are indeed required for another person or organisation.
So, is it that, apparently, you are willing to invest in the collective wisdom of a community or corporation or government who is a better arbiter of your fate?
Of course, it may not be as simple as that. But let's not dismiss the need for security which is a prime driver for human action. At least not yet, though !!