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 Shipping & Delivery


Scope of application 


The following terms of delivery and payment are applicable for services delivered under  VIRTUAL ADVISORY BOARD offered on website. 


(1) The Agreement signed by the User shall supersede Terms and Conditions of Delivery and Payment in website, these  shall take precedence over the terms and conditions mentioned in the website.  


(2) ​All services are virtual in nature and no physical delivery is envisaged at any stage. In  case of the services under  VIRTUAL ADVISORY BOARD,  the customers can access content of written opinions through registered email or other  agreed mode, using the password and participate in online video sessions, access to both of  which will be provided only after full payment is received as per terms and conditions in the  website unless the individual written agreements contradict the same.  


(3) In the event of non functioning of the website due to technical or other glitch, services  will anyway continue to be provided on the basis of the terms & conditions already outlined  in the web site and this shall continue to be proper delivery envisaged in the website for VIRTUAL ADVISORY BOARD.




whatsapp logo stands for direct access to website
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