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'FAST TRACK' YOUR WAY ..into excellence

Why 'Fast Track' You are either a Corporate or Organization and 'Fast Track' is a quick, lateral entry into 'The Second Opinion' website , which is created for businesses in general & the business leadership in particular.

Role of 'The Second Opinion' This was created for the perceived need for businesses to error-proof their business decisions by giving the decision makers access to the best Experts in specific business domains, providing confidentiality & clarity at a nominal cost.

What is the 'USP' of Fast Track While there are dedicated websites offering specific help in areas as diverse as Taxation, Law and even Strategic Management, there is a dearth of sites aimed at resolving individual & specific matters involving business issues.

Benefits of Fast Track The concept is simple. You become part of the website and select an Expert from the list and based on your areas of concern. You get corporate membership, unlimited validation & 10 E-Books as part of the package.

What is Corporate Membership Your nominated members will have access to Blogs, can join groups, send attachments through File Share option and get responses from Peer members and Experts

What is unlimited Validation

Whatever your queries, your questions or doubts, you can reach out to the Expert selected by you and get it 'validated'. This is one step sort of solutions, but will be like a real-time question-answer between you and the Expert. What are E-Books? Our Experts are masters of their domain and publish several Guidance Notes, Frameworks and Reference material which they sometimes allow the website members to access

What is the cost to the you as a customer ? This is the special offer. You pay only Rs 1000 for 6 months of access to Experts (12 months in case of Life-Members). You get two corporate memberships and 10 E-Books as part of your welcome kit. So just join now ! (Terms & conditions apply) Why are we doing this ? We value companies and organizations with a good track record. Our web-site is value oriented and your presence as an associate will be a positive boost to our image & branding of The Second Opinion as India's go-to site for second opinions .

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